Welsh Small Grant Efficiency: Sumo Eligible Items
The Welsh Small Grant Efficiency scheme has recently launched which allows farmers to access a grant for products via Rural Payments Wales (RPW). The grant provides a maximum 40% contribution towards capital investments in equipment and machinery (excl. VAT).
Applications close on 16th April 2024
Qualifying Sumo Machinery:
Subsoilers (max grant value: £3097)
- Minimum working width of 2.7m
- Minimum 2 legs
- Cutting disc preceding each subsoil leg
- Rear roller consilidation
- Depth control
Sumo Eligible Models: LDS GLS Trailed subsoiler with leading discs fitted
Aerators (max grant value £2124)
Grassland aerator aerating:
- A minimum of 100mm perforators
- Ability to attach a 3-point linkage or towed by a tractor unit
- Minimum width of 3m
Sumo Eligible Model: GLA
Minimum Tillage/Ciltivators (max grant value: £9157)
Multi component one pass/reduced cultivation machine consiting of:
- A minimum of three different soil engaging parts
- Two of the soil engaging parts to be separate rows of either fixed tines, discs, loosening legs or spring tines
- Third soil engaging part must be a rear packer, crumbler, roller, rings or shouldered rings
- Minimum of 3m working width
Sumo eligible models: Trio Quatro Multipress Trailed Mixidisc Vaxio
Direct Drill (max grant value: £9731)
Direct or slot seed drill capable of sowing grass, clover, herbs and forage crops into undisturbed soil:
- Minimum 2.7m working width
- Seed metered and delivered through either pneumatic or mechanical mechanism
- Seed delivered directly into pre-prepared slot produced by disc or sot mechanism in undisturbed soil
- Seed placed at consistent depth
For full information on the Small Grant Efficiency scheme, click here